Thursday, 21 October 2010

The adventures of a MD and his Company Secretary

A very cold morning here in Stafford, leads me to write my very first blog. I'm indebted to two friends for encouraging me to contribute to this phenomena. I’m very excited and so it is with a bit of trepidation and a huge amount of excitement I scribble.

The first draft of my novel is complete, and I’ve read the first 73 pages with a mixture of sympathy for my characters and a bit of, what the hell are they doing? It always amazes me that each time I read it there’s always something new to change.

My gorgeous MD has finally consummated his relationship with the company’s secretary, and I can only apologise to him about the delay in writing this particular sex scene. As friends and fellow writers will tell you, it is not my forte, a definite weakness and a huge sigh of relief accompanied the completion of the scene. So why have I felt the need to write another sex scene? Honestly…I have no idea; the old cliché, it seemed like a good idea at the time still stands and you’ll have to wait for the publishing of my debut novel to wait and see whether both scenes work. At this point, I’d like to just tell you, that my MD has no complaints whatsoever and would surely like more scenes but the phrase; ‘dream on,’ drops from my lips.

Until tomorrow, have a great day.


  1. Welcome to blogging! You certainly write a lot and your first two blog posts are interesting, I wish I could write as driectly :-)
    Good luck with your sex scenes

  2. Hey Wendy, thanks for your encouragement. I am going to need all the luck I can find ;) Still one down, and one to go.
