Thursday, 3 February 2011

Frustration at Rehearsals

I know you’re all wondering how my rehearsals are going, and with less than a week to go until our performance week, I’m pleased to tell you all they’re going well. On Monday I forgot a line, said the wrong one and then the rest of the scene died because I couldn’t stop thinking about the mess I’d done. See that’s the perfectionist in me just dying to escape. A few weeks ago I let my frustrations gets the better of me, and really let fly at a rehearsal.
I was rehearsing my major scene in Act 1, and it was not going to plan. My character, Elsie is angry with her husband, they’ve just had a huge argument. The scene must have been run about 20 times, and during that time, apparently everyone but me knew best. Even some of the backstage crew who were watching. Anyway I was ok, just frustrated and hot. David, my husband, showed me what he thought the director expected and unsurprisingly he pulled it off extremely well. However, let’s not forget he has been acting for 10 years! The rest of the cast who were watching said he did a great job and that he should get the part. Now joke aside, you can understand how that made me feel. Cue a little swearing and me marching out to the toilets. I was very, very angry with everyone...
However, the positive from this was that when we ran the scene again I performed it so much better as I was angry for real. I think David was surprised! I know the catalyst for my anger so I’m going to run with it now
Penultimate rehearsal tonight, and now the nerves are really affecting me, although I am excited for next week.


  1. Interesting, sounds like you are a method actress! I would have been cross if that had happened to me, it wouldn't have felt constructive/supportive. However, I am glad it has worked out for you and I wish you the best of luck with it. Looking forward to hearing how it goes. :-)

  2. 1Break a leg' - which I'm told actually meand bend your leg at the knee to accept an encore from the audience in a sort-of bow!

  3. Froggy - thanks, I wasn't pleased and close to giving up straight away or crying! But the best thing I could have done was use my anger against them. I do try to use methos acting if I can do, but it doesn't always pay off. Got the technical rehearsal today and God I'm getting scared now lol.

    Wendy - thanks. As I said above am scared, just because I want perfection and I know if I forget some lines I'm in danger of ruining the entire scene as I get angry. Still it's all go now, and there's nothing I can do apart from enjoy it which I intend to do.
